illustration / editorial / photography
Elena’s illustrations come into existence mostly by observation and interpretation of what surrounds her. They are depictions of places which are both spatial and spiritual, portrayals of details which catch her gaze. At the moment black lines, white backgrounds and a naïve style follow throughout her work, simple yet essential and pure.
Aside from her studies in architecture, she has published some of her illustrations in magazines, books and catalogues. In addition to her illustrations, her interest has now also shifted towards ceramics and she is currently searching for a way to merge these two realities.
Illustration and photography serve as Paolo’s artistic medium in his gaze and portrayal of bodies as well as gestures. The human figure then becomes the actor of the non-told, of the hidden, of desire. His illustrations, diverse in technique, material and color, translate his reality through a seemingly goofy and out of scale vision of man. In the artist’s most recent works, he ventures into world of linoleum prints, drawn to the haptic materially of the creative process and the replicability of the result.